Who is Your Lord?

March 20, 2021

It is always good to take some time and search our hearts when our desire is to live for Jesus.  While many people are sincere in their desire to live for the Lord, not everyone understands what that might entail.  

As Christians, we talk about Jesus as our Lord.  However, do we understand what the definition of “Lord” is?  In the natural, a lord is someone who has power over others, including authority and also control.  Jesus Christ is the Lord of lords.  His authority reaches beyond the rulings of those in power in the midst of mankind.  He has the ultimate power and control.

An easier way to say it is this: Jesus is Lord, the supreme Ruler.  Once we recognize Him as the supreme Ruler, we need to ask ourselves a question.  Is Jesus truly Lord in my life?  Is He the supreme Ruler in my heart?  Does He direct my paths?

Much of modern-day Christianity loves to claim Jesus as their Lord, but without allowing Him to be the supreme Ruler.  Jesus is often viewed as the special Friend that is there to meet us in our times of trial, but not to direct our paths and lead the way.

Sadly, because many regard our Savior this way, they are missing out on genuine blessings that can change their lives.  This is not referring to physical, material blessings.  This is referring to the blessings that should accompany the life of one who allows Jesus to be the ultimate authority in his or her life.

Healings and abundant life should be beginning and progressing because we’ve surrendered our will to what He wants.  We’ve embraced 2 Corinthians 5:17 that tells us, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”  Our ways that entangled us in the bondages of sin are no longer ruling us.  We’ve found that better way that sets us free!

And so, when we say that Jesus is our Lord, are we being honest to the definition of Him being our supreme Ruler?  Is He truly our Lord, or are we still in charge?  Do we find ourselves stating that we believe Him and His ways, or do we find excuses to hold on to our old ways and only claim Him as Lord through our words, and not our hearts?

Friends, it is so important to realize two things:

1. Jesus isn’t asking us to do what He Himself wouldn’t be willing to do.  His will was completely submitted to the plan of God.  He physically sacrificed His earthly, human body.  His desire is that we too, surrender to God’s plan for us.  God does not desire humans to sacrifice their physical bodies.  He desires that we turn over the ownership of our souls.  He desires to be the supreme Ruler in the heart of every man and woman that claims He is Lord.

2. All that God asks for human beings to surrender to Him is for our own protection and good.  We never have to worry that giving Him control will harm us.  Quite the contrary!  Jesus isn’t looking to take away things that are good for us.  He wants to teach us His higher ways in order that we can have a more enriching, spiritually and emotionally fulfilling life.

Knowing the Savior that loved us enough to sacrifice His life on the cross for us should remind and encourage us that His love for us is genuine, pure and faithful.  

When we search within, let’s ask ourselves if Jesus is truly our Lord.  If we realize we control our ways more than we allow Him to, let us take a step of faith and hand the control over to Him.  He’s a good God, and the best Lord we could ask for.  Let us all put our Savior in His proper place of Lordship in our lives today.  He knows what is best for us, and He knows how to take care of His children.

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