What Does Love Look Like?

September 2, 2021

“Let all that you do be done in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14

There is a saying that says, “Love makes the world go ‘round.” When we think about love, our first thought is often of enamored feelings accompanied by feeling flutters in our stomachs and hearts in our eyes.

While those feelings are exciting and desired, true love goes much deeper. It is a commitment to those who are nearest and dearest to our hearts. It isn’t only a pleasant feeling. It is a responsibility to those we are devoted to, who we want to see prosper in life to their fullest abilities.

And so, what does love look like?

It looks like the mother who cares for her family.

“She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens.” Proverbs 31:15

“She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.” Provers 31:27 27

She makes sure her children are clothed and fed. She tends to the many responsibilities that need attention within the confines of her home.

It’s the father that works hard to make sure his family has the provisions they need in life.

“But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” 1 Timothy 5:8

It is correction for those who are under another’s authority.

“For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” Hebrews 12:11

Leading others in right direction is beneficial to them in the days to come, even when they may not realize it at the moment.

It is telling someone the truth, even when the truth hurts.

“Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.” Proverbs 27:6

When we love someone and want the best for them, it sometimes includes gently telling them what they need to hear instead of what they want to hear.

It is offering forgiveness and encouragement to the one who has fallen into sin.

“Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.” Galatians 6:1

Helping others who have fallen shows that you care about them and that you want to lift them up to a place of restoration. It is showing them that we don’t look at ourselves as being superior to them, realizing our own capabilities of falling in a time of weakness.

It is reaching for the soul that has lost its way completely, while additionally protecting their reputation from unnecessary gossip.

“My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.” James 5:19-20

People lose their way through hurt, discouragement, offense and other obstacles on their Christian journeys. When we have love for that person, we remind them we care. We don’t call others to gossip about the sins they’ve fallen into. We show them kindness and concern while praying for them. We take advantage of opportunities to lead them back to Jesus.

Love appears in many, many additional ways, and there are multiples times and places for each of us to express our love for others.

Let us always remember that Jesus has also expressed His love to us, and that we are a blessed people who have experienced love.  

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